“TURNING UP THE HEAT” Issue with Özge Yağız
1.You've played a range of characters throughout your career. Is there a specific type of role you'd love to tackle next that you haven't had the chance to yet? I would love to portray a biologist or a geneticist. I'm not very research-oriented myself, so I'm curious about the perspectives and imaginations of people with this personality type 2. Balancing acting with your personal life can be challenging. How do you create a healthy work-life balance for yourself? I completely separate my work life from my personal life. The periods when we work are quite intense and stressful, so I place great importance on making the most of the short time I have. I do whatever makes me happy and I try the best version of myself. 3. If you could choose any Turkish or international director or actor to work with, who would it be and why? I think I could work with any director without distinction. Every director opens different doors for an actor. The first names that come to mind among actors and actresses are Anne Hathaway and Cillian Murphy. I admire both of them and really like every project they're in.
4.Given your platform, are there any social causes you're passionate about and would like to bring more awareness to? I want to explain that our work can illuminate every event occurring in the flow of life, sometimes bluntly confronting us with realities we might not want to accept, and that we present the past, present, and future with parallels in some way.
5.What are some things that inspire you creatively, whether it's in your personal life or while preparing for a role? Observing. Whether in a restaurant, at the gym, in traffic, on vacation—everywhere you can think of, I keep my visual memory active. I try to recall coming across someone somewhere that somehow resembles every new character I prepare for.
6.Every career has its challenges. How do you approach and overcome obstacles you face as an actress? I guess my biggest advantage is that I don’t get demoralized easily. Not every path is smooth, and I also think about what that obstacle can teach me. Accepting that success is a journey requiring effort and patience makes everything easier.
7.Every career has its challenges. How do you approach and overcome obstacles you face as an actress? I guess my biggest advantage is that I don’t get demoralized easily. Not every path is smooth, and I also think about what that obstacle can teach me. Accepting that success is a journey requiring effort and patience makes everything easier.😊 8.What advice would you give to aspiring actors who are just starting out in the industry? I would say believe in everything you want to achieve. Imagine yourself being the actor you want to be, in the scenario where you want to be. Our dreams should have no limits. No matter what, never give up on working hard.
9.What is your favourite aspect of being an actress? Is it the creative process, connecting with characters, or something else? The invaluable hours when I am able to shed my own identity while acting. Setting everything aside and having to think about another character allows me the opportunity to rest my own soul more.
10.Can you tease anything about upcoming projects you're working on or interested in pursuing? I'm in a period where I'm closely following the current trends. Digital projects are catching my attention significantly, and I hope they will make up a big part of my future plans.
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